Author: Fiza ♥ 周觅
•Rabu, Mac 09, 2011
Sorry , for your information. I cannot UPDATE my blog for 3 days until my EXAM is over. I'm so bz with study, revision and many thing. That is all , anneyoung ~
lalala ~ have a happy day always ^^
Author: Fiza ♥ 周觅
•Ahad, Mac 06, 2011
On March 5th, Super Junior held their “Super Show 3” concert in Shanghai, but unfortunately, they were exposed to another incident where a member was injured by a fan.
Last time, member Yesung was hit by a projectile as he was crossing the stage; this time, it was Heechul who got hurt, as a fan’s placard hit him in the face while he was in the midst of performing.
After being hit, Heechul was forced to briefly pause and cover his face, but eventually walked off stage without being able to lift his face. There were reports that he suffered a cut to his eye, but both Mighty Mouth’s Sangchu and miss A’s Jia assured fans that he was okay.
Sangchu tweeted, “Super Junior fans!  I just got off the phone with Heechul and he said not to worry, it’s a bit manly to have at least one cut on his face.  He may say that, but I think he’s upset and having a difficult time… Please don’t throw anything on stage!  Heechul’s Twitter said not to.”

Please, please, (and we can’t say this enough), PLEASE respect your idols and do not throw items at them while they’re on stage. They’re not animals at the zoo. Thus, I hope Heechul is doing okay. Why they are so mean of him. If so, but just don't try to hurt him ok. I'm angry here !

Tip: Haley
Author: Fiza ♥ 周觅
•Jumaat, Mac 04, 2011
Gmbo ni sbenarnye xde kne mengene pom. Sje je ltak .

Hahaha, sorry3 (da mcm lguw sorry2 - Super Junior la pulak)..Pe pon sorry sesngt sbb sy teramat2 la bz sjak due mnjak nih .W0 bu shedAo weishema? bz ngan study , HW , aktiviti KOKO n bnyk ar lg ! smpi2 balek je dr high skull da wktu maghrib mcm da nk patah2 segale tulang2 ku ini. Penat say ! Adoyaiii ~~~ Tu je ..thanks la kpd sumue yg sudi 4low blog nih n bace mcj ni ye. Xiexie ni. W0 ai ni su0y0u ! Doa2 kn la ye supaye dpt up-to-date blog ni stiap mase. Sorry ea .

Author: Fiza ♥ 周觅
•Ahad, Februari 27, 2011

It's really2 shock me when i heard Onew Oppa said that for the first time.But, it is good when any non-muslim says 'assalamualaikum',, nothing's wrong with that.. Believe me,, when i said NOTHING,, it mean's REALLY2 D**MLY nothing's wrong with that.. please don't make this as a sensitive issues,, ok..let me show u,, let say u are a non-muslim.. u have a muslim friends.. and u wish them 'assalamualaikum' everytime u meet them,, they will feel very glad and proud to have such a nice friend like u...! do believe me people.... =)
Author: Fiza ♥ 周觅
•Ahad, Februari 27, 2011
Super Junior has once again proven their clout as one of Korea’s top Hallyu groups, as it was revealed that their fourth album, “Bonamana“, maintained its #1 position on Taiwan’s biggest online music site, KKBOX, for an astounding 38 weeks!
Previously, the group’s third album, “Sorry Sorry“, recorded an impressive 36 weeks on the KKBOX chart, but Super Junior managed to break their own record by going an extra two weeks with “Bonamana.”
Leader Leeteuk expressed his gratitude through Twitter by writing, “Thank you so much for ‘Bonamana’ #1 on the Taiwanese chart.  Let’s meet soon with ‘Super Show”!  Thank you once again!”
Netizens commented, “Super Junior… Record Junior”, “So amazing!”, “Their popularity is no joke”, and “Real Hallyu, real gods!”

It looks like Leeteuk Oppa finally got his wish !
Source: TV Daily via Daum
Author: Fiza ♥ 周觅
•Sabtu, Februari 26, 2011
Key appear @ Sukira : Kiss The Radio

Source : KBS Studio
Author: Fiza ♥ 周觅
•Sabtu, Februari 26, 2011

Some fans are frowning upon Super Junior Leeteuk’s harsh joke.
On February 22nd, KBS 2FM ‘Super Junior’s Kiss the Radio’ featured a K-pop in China special. In place of Eunhyuk, SHINee’s Key filled in to join Leeteuk as a host DJ. On this day, Kan Mi Yeon,miss A’s Jia and Fei appeared as special guests.
When the DJ’s asked Jia and Fei, “When will miss A come back,” the girls answered, “We’re still in preparation for that.” Leeteuk responded with, “I guess we’ll know more when KBS 2 drama ‘Dream High‘ ends.” Then he suddenly exclaimed, “Suzy needs to lose weight first.”
After this statement, the entire studio fell into a brief awkward silence, and both Jia and Fei told Leeteuk to “knock if off.” Kan Mi Yeon also disapproved with what Leeteuk said. Leeteuk quickly tried to move on with a smile after saying he was just joking, but his comment angered many listeners.
Listeners expressed anger saying, “That was too harsh for a joke,” “Think about how Suzy would feel when she hears it,” “How could you ever tell a girl to lose weight, that’s so rude!”

Source: Sports Chosun
Author: Fiza ♥ 周觅
•Sabtu, Februari 26, 2011

CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa (23) and actress Park Shinhye (22) might be in another drama again together.

Jung Yonghwa and Park Shinhye have been offered to be the lead actors in Pyo Minsu’s new drama titled ‘Festival’ (working title), which is scheduled to air in June on MBC.

The production staff talked on the phone with Newsen on the 24th saying, “‘Festival’ is a youth mellow drama that takes place in a school of arts. The male lead is involved in a school band. We were thinking whether we should give the part to an actor who can play music or give it to a singer, so we offered the part to Jung Yonghwa who has experience in acting.”

Jung Yongwa is said to be seriously considering the role. His agency, FNC Music, said, “It’s true that he received an offer to star in the drama and still considering whether he should accept the role.” Jung Yonghwa’s group CNBLUE is scheduled to make a comeback in the 4th week of March.

The drama staff stated that they are considering Park Shinhye for the female lead. Park Shinhye’s agency, Ava Entertainment, said, “I think she can show off her charm through this lively youthful character. The script is interesting. We are currently still in discussion with the production team, we will decide soon.” Park Shinhye who starred in the movie ‘Cyrano Agency; Dating Agency’ is also due to start her classes in Chung-Ang University, theatre and film studies.

The two have starred together in the 2009 SBS drama ‘You’re Beautiful’. In the drama, Park Shinhye, who played the character Go Minam, is in love with Hwang Taekyung who was played by Jang Keun Seuk. Jung Yonghwa, who played Kang Shinwoo, had a one-sided love with Go Minam and received title like ‘Milk man’ and ‘Towel Man’ as a result. Upon hearing the news of the possible casting of the two, ‘You’re Beautiful’ fans have been showing their interest.

‘Festival’ is scheduled to broadcast following the Hong Sister’s new drama with Park Hong Kyun PD titled ‘Discovery of affection’.

Source: Newsen
Author: Fiza ♥ 周觅
•Rabu, Februari 23, 2011
MV Trailer :

I know that you can't wait! Me too~ XD
BIG BANG is back with their latest song "tonight". Just wait and see their comeback!

G-Dragon Teaser 

Seung Ri Teaser

TaeYang Teaser

With only 1 days left until Big Bang‘s comebackYG Entertainment has released the latest teaser for their 4th mini album “Tonight“, this time featuring Daesung.

DaeSung Teaser

NOW, T.O.P teaser are realised!

T.O.P Teaser
- - - - -
 I will sure to keep update about K-pop lasest news~ [Admin Fiza 觅周]

Author: Fiza ♥ 周觅
•Isnin, Februari 21, 2011
Hallyu group SNSD or Girl's Generation has been selected as the new CF models for Japanese cough drop brand, “E-ma Nodoame.”
The girls attended the brand’s production conference on February 21st and revealed that this was their first Japanese CM experience. Production company UHA Mikakuto released the special candy brand in celebration of their 10th anniversary.
When they asked for her feelings on being selected as the new models, Yoona commented : 

The advertisement, which will begin running all over Japan starting February 26th, was done under the theme of a cough drop from heaven capturing the hearts of the SNSD girls.

Author: Fiza ♥ 周觅
•Sabtu, Februari 19, 2011

[Key] 1000일 축하메세지 보는듕~ ㅋㅋ 앞으로도 함께 같이해요!

Eng-Trans :
[Key] 1000 Day celebration message ㅋㅋ Let's us meet together in the future!

Indo - Trans :

[Key] Pesan perayaan di hari ke-1000 ㅋㅋ Mari kita bertemu di masa depan!

Kyahhh! That is why i love KEY - OPPA !! He's so adorable , charming , and handsome . . hehe 
( I said it! ) - Heartbeat _ - _ - _ Fast!-
He always love his FAN. . Gomawo Oppa.  XDD .
♥ " Haha , Key - Oppa Nolyeog! " 

Admin : Fiza 觅周
Author: Fiza ♥ 周觅
•Jumaat, Februari 18, 2011
At first i want to say that, I know Hangeng Oppa is really out of "Super Junior" because he said that " He is not suitable with Super Junior styles of song". But i did not know that he would be out of Super Junior M too. ( So sad .. TT^TT ) .. nae Hangeng o-p-p-a ~~~ 

So , this is the member of Super Junior M :
  • Eunhyuk Hyung
  • Sungmin Hyung

Sungmin Hyung ( Left ) , Eunhyuk Hyung ( Right )

As for your information that Super Junior M has 8 members ,


! YAY~ All 0ppa nolyeog! !

New face of Super Junior M .

Cool Orange Pointer Glitter